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Sunday, February 14, 2010

Sunday in the Dominican Republic

GOD IS GOOD!! It's Sunday night and we had an awesome day. We went to worship at the church of the foreman on our church building project, since the church we are working on has all support beams up, and no room to worship this Sunday. The service was incredible. The men sat on one side and the women on the other, and when we arrived, we were ushered to the front benches. Now I know a few of you back home would frown on having to sit in the front row, but we thoroughly enjoyed it--we were their honored guests. We just had to keep an eye out for when they sat down or stood up behind us. They started singing, the keyboard and guitars started in, and then the drums, and the people were just singing at the top of their lungs, just praising God. We couldn't understand what they were singing, but we began humming along. A couple of tunes were familiar, so we sang what we knew, and just soaked in the experience. They sang a lot and read scripture, and then Duane Postma spoke to them about what we were doing there, and all were very grateful. Kevin gave a welcome from our congretation while Duane translated after our group sang the song Alabare! and the congregation joined in on the refrain. Then a pastor gave a message in Creole language, and a translator helped us out in English. The entire service was very inspirational. Pastor Mark and the worship committee, you have a challenge to match what went on there. We could only understand part of it, but we were so moved by the entire service--we probably got more out of this service, than .... OK, I won't go there. HaHa. Then we made the trip to Santiago to visit Shelley Hernandez and see what she is doing over there. It is incredible the desire she has to praise the Lord in what she is doing. She began with a small task to begin a preschool for the locals who could not afford a Christian education, and it continues to grow. She now teaches 2year-olds through 3rd grade, and they are hoping to add 4th & 5th next year, with higher levels to follow. They currently meet in a church which gets converted into classrooms during the week, and also use a nearby house. They have begun building a new school with three rooms on the main floor, and three rooms above it, and then hope to continue on from there. We were inspired by what she is doing, and all feel the great need they have there, and are very happy that we are able to provide her support. I'll give you more details and a lot more pictures when we return. Just a little update on our group--Duane Koele has named himself as the chaperone--he does have a little age and experience over the rest of us. Joe has been self proclaimed as our leader--so far we have not over thrown his power. Jerry has been named as El Bano Boy--Bano meaning bathroom. Unfortunately he needed to remain close to the facilities today, and was unable to join us today (we told him not to drink the water), but am glad to report that he is feeling better again tonight. Another day of work tomorrow and am looking forward to what we can accomplish. Later.


  1. Hello Everyone!
    Glad to hear everything is going well - You are all in my prayers!

    Jori Brons

  2. "Bear",

    Sorry to hear you had to take on the name of "El Bano Boy". I recommended earplugs for Lora for the roosters, but think you may need a different type of plug. Hope you're feeling well again, and able to be part of the amazing project of which you are a part. Praying for your safety, GOOD health, and that you're being blessed as well as being a blessing for Christ!

    Love, Your Sis, Val
